WTB: Optical Mouse Pad
Howard Huntley Jr.
2002-12-15 20:18:32 UTC
I need an optical mouse pad. $$.$$ ??

Howard Huntley MCP, MCSE
Micro-Computer Systems Specialist
Tim Frazee
2002-12-16 03:10:10 UTC
I have heard that there is a web site somewhere that have a pdf or
something that has enough resolution that if you print it out, ti works
just the same. I have a friend who needed one, and tried this. His
printer did not print it ou tat the correct resolution and it worked
just not very well.

-----Original Message-----
From: suns-at-home-***@net-kitchen.com
[mailto:suns-at-home-***@net-kitchen.com] On Behalf Of Howard Huntley
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 2:19 PM
To: suns-at-home-***@net-kitchen.com; suns-at-***@net-kitchen.com
Subject: [Suns-at-Home] WTB: Optical Mouse Pad

I need an optical mouse pad. $$.$$ ??

Howard Huntley MCP, MCSE
Micro-Computer Systems Specialist
2002-12-16 09:38:07 UTC
Post by Tim Frazee
I have heard that there is a web site somewhere that have a pdf or
something that has enough resolution that if you print it out, ti works
This is what I've got, but never had a chance to test it in real

%% Sun 3 mouse pad
%% Copyright 1987, BeakSoft Inc.
%% All Rights Reserved
%% Permission is granted to copy and use this without charge as long
%% as the copyright notices remain intact.

90 rotate
/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont 24 scalefont setfont
5 -40 moveto
(This is a mouse pad. It works!) show
( 1987, BeakSoft Inc.)
stringwidth pop
10.9 72 mul
exch sub
dup /copyr exch def
-40 moveto
/Symbol findfont 24 scalefont setfont
stringwidth pop
copyr exch sub
-40 moveto

.8 setlinewidth
50 0 moveto
{ 2.4 0 rmoveto gsave 0 11 72 mul rlineto stroke grestore } repeat

.6 setlinewidth
50 0 moveto
300 { 0 2.8 rmoveto gsave 8.5 72 mul 0 rlineto stroke grestore } repeat


Print it as, well, poscript and let us know if you try it out.

My home isn't cluttered; it's "passage restrictive."
***@kill-9.it . Geek . And proud of it .
Anders Andersson
2002-12-16 08:27:08 UTC
Take a look at http://retrocomputing.c3po.it/Retronomicon/html/sunpad.htm

There are several pad styles so if the printed one doesn't work with your mouse it may be
because it imitates the wrong style, maybe the pattern density could be adjusted?

320-1017 - mouse pad, type-5 optical
320-1018 - M4 pad, 200 CPI, .032", 177.8mm x 196.9mm
320-1079 - M4 pad, 200 CPI, .032", 228.6mm x 196.9mm
370-1399 - Type 5 Optical Pad, 300 CPI aka 403368-001


-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Huntley Jr. [mailto:***@attbi.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 9:19 PM
To: suns-at-home-***@net-kitchen.com; suns-at-***@net-kitchen.com
Subject: [Suns-at-Home] WTB: Optical Mouse Pad

I need an optical mouse pad. $$.$$ ??

Howard Huntley MCP, MCSE
Micro-Computer Systems Specialist
Mike Nicewonger
2002-12-16 13:10:13 UTC
The first problem you have is what kind of Sun mouse. There are at least 3
kinds of pads. some work with a couple of different mice some don't work
with anything but the correct pad. You will need to determine which mouse
you have first.

Mike N
Stirer of pots

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Huntley Jr. [mailto:***@attbi.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 9:19 PM
To: suns-at-home-***@net-kitchen.com; suns-at-***@net-kitchen.com
Subject: [Suns-at-Home] WTB: Optical Mouse Pad

I need an optical mouse pad. $$.$$ ??

Howard Huntley MCP, MCSE
Micro-Computer Systems Specialist
