Take a look at http://retrocomputing.c3po.it/Retronomicon/html/sunpad.htm
There are several pad styles so if the printed one doesn't work with your mouse it may be
because it imitates the wrong style, maybe the pattern density could be adjusted?
320-1017 - mouse pad, type-5 optical
320-1018 - M4 pad, 200 CPI, .032", 177.8mm x 196.9mm
320-1079 - M4 pad, 200 CPI, .032", 228.6mm x 196.9mm
370-1399 - Type 5 Optical Pad, 300 CPI aka 403368-001
-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Huntley Jr. [mailto:***@attbi.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 9:19 PM
To: suns-at-home-***@net-kitchen.com; suns-at-***@net-kitchen.com
Subject: [Suns-at-Home] WTB: Optical Mouse Pad
I need an optical mouse pad. $$.$$ ??
Howard Huntley MCP, MCSE
Micro-Computer Systems Specialist